Friday Session

Friday, June 14

Session E: 9:30am-10:15am

E1. Utilizing 3D Technology in Digital Archives–Jane Fiegel

The new addition of a 3D scanner and the introduction of 3D digitization workflows in the Xavier University of Louisiana Archives and Special Collections have opened up more avenues for digital preservation and accessibility, and have promoted deeper audience engagement with the objects in our archives. By creating 3D models of objects that previously only existed online in the form of 2D photographs, we have made our collections more interactive and have provided more accurate digital representations of them. Topics covered will include implementing new technology, the process of 3D scanning, and hosting and sharing these new 3D models.

E2. Cost Dinosaur or Strategic Partner: Excellent Community College Libraries as Partners in the Success of the Institution–Katherine McGivern

Learn about the characteristics of ACRL award-winning community college libraries and how these libraries helped their institutions earn the prestigious Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence with a one-million-dollar cash prize. The presenter will discuss research into these libraries and their institutions in an effort to understand if and how the work of the libraries, aided in the success of the institution. Attendees will take away suggestions for developing excellence in their own libraries. Discussion will include sharing of current library outreach and innovation which raise awareness of the library to outside stakeholders.

E3. SUNY Community College Libraries and Guided Pathways-Katie Ghidiu and Alice Wilson

Community colleges across the country, including many in SUNY, are redesigning programs and services according to the guided pathways model. This model seeks to improve student success measures by creating structured academic and career pathways. Come to this session to learn more about this model and explore ways in which community college libraries might rethink core services from the guided pathways lens.

E4. How Do You Solve A Problem Like Faculty-Librarian Relationship Building?– Samantha Dannick

Effective faculty outreach is key for informing collection development, creating a channel for instruction, and communicating library services – especially for an evolving library. But, faculty are busy, so how do you convince them to open their doors (and their calendars) to a librarian? This session will present how one newly hired subject-specialist revamped her approach to outreach. Long-term effects are TBD, but the immediate impact is promising…

E5. Integrating Library Instruction into the Disciplines: A Veterinary Science Model- a 17 Year Follow-up/Reflection–Steve Dixon

A SUNY Delhi Librarian, Steve Dixon, has worked together with Veterinary Science Faculty at the school for 17 years in a research project that has become required of all students that graduate from the program. The Veterinary Science Faculty have felt the project to be a success for their students, and Steve calls it the best experience of his career. Steve will share the background and evolution of the project, highlighting both successes and non-successes, and how he feels similar projects can be be useful in other Academic libraries.

E6. Jigsaw Falling Into Place: The Evolution of An Information Literacy Session–Lisa Czirr

Librarians often have far more information to cover than they reasonably can within the time constraint of a single class meeting. One method which works especially well for integrating several concepts into a session is the jigsaw technique, a cooperative strategy that puts learning directly into students’ hands. This presentation will cover the process of transforming a content-heavy session into a thriving active learning experience, and demonstrate how it was applied. Participants will walk away with ideas to engage students and make their own sessions more dynamic.

Vendor 5: TBA

Session F: 10:45-11:30

F1. Gov Docs in Transition: Lessons Learned on the Path to Becoming an All-Online Depository–Katelyn Baroody

Participation in the Federal Depository Library Program can be an excellent way to serve your community by promoting information access and government transparency, but can also easily turn time-consuming and burdensome. Like many other FDLP libraries, Resnick Library at SUNY Delhi was questioning whether continued participation was worthwhile. This session will address why we chose to become an all-online depository, the resources that helped along the way, how the transition has saved us time and effort, and how our community benefits from this change.

F2. Equitable Student Assistant Supervision & Delegation–Charlene V. Martoni-McElrath

This presentation will address the issue of inequity in library student assistant workforce management by discussing unconscious bias and how it can affect student assistant work in libraries. Participants will be guided through the process of setting up strategies and systems to ensure equity in delegation of student assistant work.

F3. Promotion & Tenure Committee Panel–Carrie Fishner, Maria McLane

Do you have questions about the promotion and tenure? Would you like to talk with those who have gone through some aspect of either process? Join us for a group mentoring session at the annual conference, where some seasoned librarians will be on hand to answer questions and offer encouragement. This will be a great opportunity for those in any step of the process to check in with colleagues from around the state.

F4. Zombie Escape: Gamifying Library Instruction with Active Learning Activities–Jeremy Pekarek, Jenifer Phelan, Annette Ernste

Are you considering implementing active learning activities into your library instruction? Perhaps you already do but want to learn more. This session will explore why active learning is a powerful tool for engaging students in developing their knowledge practices and dispositions for a deeper understanding of the threshold concepts outlined in the ACRL’s Framework. Our library held a gamifying workshop for librarians where several Information Literacy games were conceptualized for use with first year students. Let us take you through our R&D process for our zombie/library escape room valuation game. Discussion will include conception, physical creation, testing, revision, and evaluation.

Vendor 6: TBA

Session G: 11:45am-12:30pm

G1. Leveraging Staff to Train Student Employees–Amy Hathaway, Glen Benedict

Student employees are an integral part the operations of many academic libraries. Each fall, training new student workers involves dedicating considerable time and resources. One solution is to leverage the experience and skills of the library staff to assist in delivering training. We will present a case study of how a training program was developed and executed by the Access Services department of the University Libraries at the University at Albany. With 15 staff involved in the process, a total of 33 new student employees were trained using a program of topical training guides, practical exercises, and personalized follow-up.

G2. Libraries, Research, and Repositories: The Ties That Bind–Maureen Zajkowski, Mark McBride, Karen Gardner-Athey

In the 1990’s libraries began purchasing access to electronic A&I databases and to the few full-text offerings where available. In the early years libraries spent a modest amount of their funds on these resources as they were seen as supplemental to the acquisition of print/physical materials. Fast forward to 2019 where both subscriptions to and purchases of electronic resources are ubiquitous and encompass the vast majority of library acquisition budgets. Another shift is gaining momentum that will fundamentally change the role of librarians in the curation and delivery of content. This is the evolving focus on open access and open educational resources content developed by campus faculty. The death knell of the vendors’ “big deal” is unfolding across Europe and North America. Most funding agencies are requiring research output to be made available in open access repositories. The New York State Legislature has provided significant funding two years in a row to SUNY and CUNY for the development of OER curriculum materials. In 2018, the SUNY Board of Trustees passed an Open Access Resolution to “ensure that every SUNY faculty member and student has access to an open access scholarly repository, and, where appropriate, related shared/networked services, and that these SUNY repositories be integrated and searchable via a single interface.” Come join the OLIS team as we explore the issues to address and possible initiatives to undertake, in collaboration with the SUNY community, to help fulfill the SUNY Board of Trustees’ mandate on open access as well as develop environments to support discovery and access to vetted OER content.

G3. Get In The Van! Library Safari as a Team Building, Information Gathering and Change Management Tool–Mechele Romanchock

Library Safari: noun; an expedition, usually by caravan, whereby library co-workers travel to surrounding libraries in order to observe or hunt ideas at other institutions in their natural habitat.

Begging, borrowing and stealing ideas isn’t just for the internet. Library Safaris are a great way to leave the settled thinking of your daily surroundings and expose yourself to new ideas and fresh thinking. The library safari can establish a context for your work, bring your team together, let them meet their counterparts and build a shared vocabulary for managing change in your institution while also creating valuable opportunities for networking.

G4. Making the Case for OER at a R1 University–Ashley Shea

In this talk, I will share my experience partnering with faculty and students to build momentum for OER on a R1 university campus where research output has long been prioritized and alternative modes for teaching and learning, historically, have been tepidly embraced. I will highlight the changing landscape on our campus that made the blazing of new OER trails possible and share 2 course successes. I will also provide a roadmap that other librarians can use when making the case for OER at their home institutions.

G5. Take a Bite Out of it!– Jocelyn Ireland

This session will go over how to create microlearning videos that offer bite-sized lessons for students to use at their point of need. Brief, microlearning videos address one-to-two learning objectives and are tied to classroom instruction. These videos offer just the necessary amount of information the student needs and allows instructors to create a more individualized online learning experience. An Instructional Design Librarian will share her experience with creating video-based instruction for the diverse array of students at a community college. There will be a demonstration of video creation software tools and a discussion about microlearning and accessibility best practices.

Vendor 7: TBA